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Vivid Israel


Ein Hod Artist Colony

The unique and beautiful Artists Village of Ein Hod sits on a hill overlooking the beaches of Israel just south of Haifa, off one of the highways connecting between Tel Aviv-Haifa. Established in 1953, it is based on a concept devised by a group of artists led by Marcel Janco – building the first Israeli artists’ village to provide its residents with a supportive and creative framework.

The founders were persisted with their ideals and vision for the colony. Ein Hod is home to a few hundred families, with people who make and thrive off of creating plastic art, music, literature, and theater. The communal aspects of life in the village are managed by a General Assembly and an Executive Committee. 

Beyond the houses you can find the Main Gallery, located in the village’s center, presenting changing exhibitions of the village’s artists from within various fields and a wide range of periods and mediums, alongside a spacious wing where contemporary art exhibitions are presented. Another great visit in the colony is the Janco Dada Museum – the home of Ein Hod’s artistic roots. Visit it to learn all about the revolutionary and rebellious spirit that motivated the founders.

Other than these, take a walk around the village to enjoy art installations lying around, alongside many small galleries and workshops of locals living here.